50 years later: Gratitude beyond words

Jan Oberg

It must have been in 1972 that I – then a 21-year young Danish student of sociology at Lund University – ran into Håkan Wiberg – the huge, long-bearded academic who was already then a public legend in town for his ways of dressing, hairstyle and for smilingly provoking all bourgeois norms in that old, traditional university town.

He lived a bohemian life simultaneously with taking one exam after the other and, successively, he became both a mathematician, philosopher and sociologist. And peace and conflict scholar.

Jan Oberg

And now it is 2022 – twelve years after his death, I’m working on my “Worldmoires” and writing a chapter on who has been my inspirers and mentors. In peace research, it was definitely Håkan and Johan Galtung who were already at the time colleagues and friends. And the last work we produced together was the huge (2000+ pages equivalent) online book called “Yugoslavia – What Should Have Been Done?” (2014) with all Håkan’s contributions but, thanks to my tardiness, it was only published four years after his death. (But he knew all the materials and were happy about them, that I know).

“Come tomorrow morning at 7. I shall have read your manuscript, and we can talk about it all over breakfast,” he would say. And such a meeting – taking place after he had already walked 8-10 kilometres between 4 and 6 o’clock – became a routine between us and could often take 2-3 hours. Sometimes, we met in his apartment at August Strindberg’s Street 2 in Lund, sometimes at my student room at “The International” at Dag Hammarskjölds Road in Lund.

Continue reading “50 years later: Gratitude beyond words”

Sådan ser jeg Håkan…

Af Michèle Naur

Håkan og Michèle i nytåret 1980-81

Jeg vil starte i Håkan og Annikas barndom: En storebror der druknede, og som blev helgengjort af sine forældre, er en unfair konkurrence, som ingen kan leve op til.

Håkan prøvede at gøre opmærksom på sig selv på alle mulige måder siden, ved at være usædvanligt klog, få absolutte topkarakterer i skolen, at være en fremragende forsker og leder, og ved at være på sin helt egen måde meget ekshibitionistisk.

Den første gang Jeanne og jeg mødte Håkan, gjorde det fra starten et meget stort indtryk: Vi lå og sov i Jeannes værelse, og midt om natten skulle Jeanne på toilettet. Hun satte sig ned for at tisse i badeværelset. Og pludselig kom et prustende dyr op af badekaret og rystede sig voldsomt og snappede efter vejret, efter at have været dykket ned under vandet.

Jeanne blev grøn i hovedet og styrtede ind på værelset og råbte skrækslagent: Der ligger et uhyre i badekarret!

Siden da har Håkan hvert år sørget for at markere eventen ved en kæmpeuhyre-fest.

Håkan var unik. Han var underlig, når han gik ud i vintersneen kun iført shorts og sandaler. Og han var underlig, når han kunne falde i søvn midt i et selskab. Og han var den eneste mand, vi kendte, der gik i det, Jeanne og jeg kaldte ’jesus-dragter’/galabia.

Han er også den eneste, vi har mødt, der kunne danse rundt i stuen med et glas whisky i hånden lyttende til Ravi Shankar, når vi kom hjem fra skole. Han var spændende, og både vi og vores venner elskede ham!

Continue reading “Sådan ser jeg Håkan…”



Av Gunnar Windahl
Assisterande professor i psykologi, Strömstad akademi

När jag kom till Lund hösten 1960 hamnade jag på Mariagatan i Nöden något kvarter från ett boendekollektiv som gick under namnet Tabasco. En gänglig skäggprydd gestalt vanligtvis iförd kortbyxor och sandaler oavsett årstid var det mest påtagliga beviset på detta kollektivs existens när han kom cyklandes eller gåendes på trottoaren i vår stad.

Hans namn var Håkan Wiberg och på oss studenter på Mariagatan gjorde han ett mäktigt intryck tack vare sin oklara ontologisk status – var han en religiös munk, en anarkist eller vad?

Jag kände inte Håkan på den tiden men han gav näring till fantasin. Vi på Mariagatan kallade honom för Tabascokungen vilket avslöjar vår, om än osäkert grundade, vördnad inför denna resliga gestalt.

Håkan och jag kom några år senare att bli goda vänner och delade en stark känsla för udda humor och näringsrik kost.

Continue reading “Tabascokungen”

Hakan Wiberg and Cassandra’s curse

By Biljana Vankovska

Biljana Vankovska
Biljana Vankovska

The very first encounter with Hakan Wiberg, while he was still director of COPRI, had a rather scary effect on a person like me. At that time, in 1997, I was a totally inexperienced and relatively young scholar from a small country. The visit to COPRI was my first study period abroad and I was hardly managing with my broken English.

In fear and respect, I could still hardly understand a word of what he was kindly trying to tell me. Yet I felt very welcome in that community, where I learnt their leading dictum: “Be brilliant!” And I took it as seriously, as anybody related to COPRI, although honestly I do not think I am there yet.

A year later, in 1998, he visited Macedonia. My youngest daughter, who was only 4, made a quicker and better judgment: having seen a giant with a long beard standing on our doorstep, as soon as she overcame the first shock, with a full trust so typical for a child, she took him by hand and invited him to join her watching “The Lion King”. He probably resembled a good-spirited Santa Claus to her. Continue reading “Hakan Wiberg and Cassandra’s curse”

Vennen, observatøren og samfundsdebattanten

Av Marianne och Sverre Lodgaard

Marianne Lodgaard
Marianne Lodgaard

Vi har begge kjent Håkan i lang tid. Marianne fra Lund gjennom arbeidet i TFF, Sverre i fredsforskningssammenheng fra 1970-tallet. Vi har vært mye sammen – i Lund, København, Oslo, Dubrovnik og ved én anledning også på vårt feriested i Trøndelag, hvor vi nå sitter. Vi var nære venner: Håkan var utpreget vennekjær, og vi var blant de heldige som fikk nyte godt av det.

Håkans faglige bakgrunn var bred og hans kunnskaper enorme. Han var et vandrende leksikon. Samtidig var han så mye mer: Han kunne holde de uttømmende forelesningene om en rekke viktige emner i samfunnsfag generelt og internasjonal politikk spesielt. Som regel gjorde han det uten å gå nærmere inn på sine egne standpunkter og preferanser. Hans rolle var observatørens og analytikerens.

Derfor overrasket det mange at han under krigene på Balkan skjøv denne rollen til side og markerte egne posisjoner med et sterkt og uredd engasjement. Da var det rik anledning til å være uenig.

Sverre Lodgaard
Sverre Lodgaard

Continue reading “Vennen, observatøren og samfundsdebattanten”

Wiberg’s contribution was immense

By Nigel Young
Editor-in-Chief: Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace, OUP, New York and Oxford, 20l0

Nigel Young
Nigel Young

Hakån Wiberg, a leading European Peace Researcher who died in Copenhagen, was one of the very best spirits in Global Peace Study since the late l960s. Although a child of  l960s peace activisim, Wiberg was both part astonishing auto-didact, a remarkable polymath; but also a scrupulous, and multilingual scholar with a deep scientific (in its best sense) inclination.

Despite strongly held opinions, his approach was always skeptical, critical – even detached. Continue reading “Wiberg’s contribution was immense”

Håkan Wiberg in memoriam: We love you, miss you and you live in us

By Johan Galtung

Johan Galtung 2010 © Jan Oberg
Johan Galtung 2010 © Jan Oberg

Christmas day 2013 brings up memories of a Christmas shared with Håkan in Dubrovnik, in the old Yugoslavia for which so much of his heart (like mine) was beating.  A bridge between East and West, between North and South, so badly needed in a conflict-ridden world by what was then called the East-West and the North-South conflicts, one with the danger of nuclear war and the certainty of the wars in Korea and Vietnam, the other with the certainty of billions in misery.

With his deep knowledge of Yugoslavia, including command of what was then called Serbo-Croat – that hyphen disappeared with much else – he was perfectly aware of the forces tearing Yugoslavia apart, even if that unifying icon, Tito, had to pass away first (in 1980).

His analysis and predictions – I remember often two words, “more war” – were very accurate, true to his immense storage of knowledge, retrievable at any point in the countless formal and informal dialogues at the Inter-University Centre, IUC, in Dubrovnik.  We did not have that word for what we did, but we all actually googled Håkan – wiberged him! I remember one Asian scholar being almost offended when Håkan ran up against a border in his immense knowledge. Continue reading “Håkan Wiberg in memoriam: We love you, miss you and you live in us”

Rolig, generös, intelligent – och snäll

Av Anna Møller
Sekreterare på Lunds Uiversitets Fredsforskningsinstitut, LUPRI, på 1980-talet

Anna Möller
Anna Möller

Han var så rolig och generös. Han tyckte så mycket om de små förtjusande bakelserna som gjordes på Konditoriet på Dag Hammarskjölds väg och trots att han var strängt upptagen tog han sig alltid tid att noga svara på mina alltmer omfattande frågor när jag skrev min C-uppsats i statskunskap om Nordisk Fredspolitik. Han förutspådde, flera år innan de inträffade såväl krisen i Balkan som fastighetscrachen på 90-talet. Continue reading “Rolig, generös, intelligent – och snäll”

A commemorative blog for Håkan Wiberg

This blog was launched in 2014, four years after our friend Håkan Wiberg died. It’s a tribute to a leading pioneer of Nordic peace and conflict research – a rare combination of academician (mathematics, philosophy, sociology and peace studies), activist and unshakeable friend of many.

Håkan Wiberg 2004 © Jan Oberg
Håkan Wiberg 2004 © Jan Oberg

Its main focus is on Wiberg the peace researcher since the largest single category of his production over almost 50 years is within that field, but we also want to give the visitors here an impression of him as friend, citizen and activist. Håkan was an immensely multi-faceted personality with a humane-ness that touched even his opponents.

You are invited
We invite you to assist us in making this blog richer by sending us comments as well as texts, photos, videos, anecdotes, and documentary materials that will add to the understanding and memory of him.

A blog, not a book
This is a dynamic blog for as long as we retrieve valuable materials. That is also why we have chosen not to produce a book which, when published, remains static. Further, a blog can be accessed anywhere in the world – and here we think mainly of students of peace research -whereas a book may be difficult to locate and costly to acquire.

When you subscribe to the blog you’ll be alerted every time something new is added.

Linking and copyright
Links to this blog or parts thereof can be made freely. However, texts should not be reproduced without the consent of the editors (see below and under “Contact”) who also retain the copyright to this blog in its entirety.

Einar Fredriksson

Jan Oberg